Can the Portal be accessed from a mobile ?
Yes, the portal design is responsive and the pages can be viewed from both mobile platforms (Android and iOS).
Is the portal accessible through latest web browsers ?
Yes, the portal is accessible through all the latest web browsers such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari,
Microsoft Edge, Firefox.
Facing problems regarding registration or log in?
In case you are facing any problem regarding the registration or login process, please do get in touch
with us through this form. We would be more than happy to get back to you and help in solving issues
you may face while browsing and/or participating through Madarsa Board, as we value your participation in Madarsa Board.
Did not find your suggestions on the platform?
Do not hesitate to get in touch with us with the same we will address your issue at the earliest as we value
your participation in the Madarsa Board Platform.
Any other issue
Apart from the above mentioned category if you are facing any other issue with regard to the site,
please get in touch with us. Let us know about your problem with brief description
of the issue which you are facing. We would be happy to revert back to you.